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当前位置:首页 > 杂志 > 2018年3月杂志——新型发光字标识铸就历史剧院的新辉煌



Hollywood Theatre is an historic theater that was built in downtown Portland’s southeastern section, known as the Hollywood District. This ornate, beautiful theater, located at 4122 NE Sandy Blvd.,opened in 1926.There are no known photos of the original marquee;to our knowledge, only a drawing of it exists.


The theater’s management updated the Hollywood’s marquee during the 1970s in an effort to “modernize” the theater and help it compete with mushrooming, multi-screen “cineplex” chains. The marquee remained operational, but deteriorated to the point of ugliness. And, according to Doug Whyte, the Hollywood Theatre Foundation’s executive director, the revised marquee didn’t mesh well with the building. Consequently, they sought a design inspired by the original 1926 marquee.

剧院的管理20世纪70年代好莱坞的招牌标识进行了翻新,努力使剧场跟上“现代化”的脚步,并帮助它与那些飞速增长的多屏幕多观众的连锁电影院竞争。虽然标识依旧在工作,但表面已经被损坏得非常严重了。据好莱坞剧院基金会执行董事道格·怀特(Doug Whyte)称,翻新过的标识剧院主题不是很相配。因此,他们决定从1926年最初的标识设计中寻找灵感。

Several streets converge at this location, so the theater enjoys high visibility. However, from a project-management perspective, this presented problems. Also, a new building had been constructed next to the theater, which further complicated matters.


Kevin Hallwyler, Security’s project manager for the job, learned of the marquee revitalization during its early planning stages, and established a relationship with Whyte. Hallwyler’s frequent communication, plus Security’s longstanding local stature, helped our bid be successful.

项目安全经理Kevin Hallwyler在早期规划阶段就意识到了发光字标识的兴起,并与怀特建立了合作关系。Hallwyler坚持不懈地沟通,再加上Security Signs公司的在这个行业的名望促使我们的投标过程非常顺利

Fernando Duarte Design (Sacramento, CA), known for crafting marquee-restoration plans, designed the reimagined Hollywood Theatre façade. Other high-profile Duarte jobs include the legendary Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills, CA. The Hollywood received several renovations, but anticipation was high for the marquee’s rejuvenation.



A complex process


This community-based project received funding through Kickstarter and local donations. Security knowingly becoming a contributor, through an in-kind donation to rejuvenate something historic and be part of the community, was enticing, as were the publicity and satisfaction of executing a project of such magnitude.


Once the proposal was accepted, the fun part of removing the old structure and planning for the new structure began. As with many such projects, many unknowns awaited.



The old marquee came down as we peeled away layers. Extensive leakage and serious structural problems on the roof demanded attention. Originally, we thought the steel structure could be salvaged as a foundation for the new marquee.


However, the remaining rusty shell lacked structural integrity, so very little of it was useable. Channel iron, which had supported the old marquee, was removed because of widespread rust and fatigued I-beams – even the bolts were rusted through. We temporarily bolstered the structure with 4 x 4 wood postsUsing Miller Consulting Engineer’s specs, Perlo Construction repaired the structure with 5/8-in.-thick steel plates and 4 x 4 x 1/4-in. steel angle.

拆卸下来的壳体已经严重生锈缺乏结构完整性,因此利用率很低过去用于建造旧标识的槽钢,如今已经变成了废旧的工字钢和产生了大面积的铁锈,甚至连螺钉都生锈了所以我们只能选择扔掉它们。在听取了工程咨询师米勒的建议后,我们暂时使4 x 4木柱材料来支撑新标识的结构Perlo Construction公司则使5/8英寸厚的钢板和4 x 4 x 1/4英寸的角钢来帮助标识整体结构修复。

Because of the widespread water leakage – and, in case you haven’t heard, Oregon’s climate entails frequent rainfall – we enlisted Perlo’s help. They built a support structure that stabilized the steel and created a structure to help facilitate water runoff – something that hadn’t before been done.


How we built it


Under the direction of Chris Bresaw, our lead fabricator, we built 2-in.-deep, open-pan channel letters, which we painted with Akzo Nobel dark-burgundy, acrylic-polyurethane paint. We used Miller Paint dark-blue, blue/grey, and green coatings for the exterior, gold for the returns and cream-colored paint for the interior. To provide the sign’s chasing lights, we installed 800 S14 LED bulbs. Whyte wanted the marquee to look as retro as possible, but energy conservation was also a high priority.

在我们的主要制造商Chris Bresaw的领导下,我们将发光字设计成2英寸深的开放式槽字母,我们使用阿克苏诺贝尔公司的深红丙烯酸聚氨酯油漆对这个字母标识上色,使用Miller Paint提供的暗蓝色蓝色/灰色和绿色涂料为外壳上色并用金色均匀地涂在标识表面,内部则用米白色进行上色。为了让标识看起来更亮,我们安装了800个S14 LED灯泡。怀特希望标识看起来尽可能复古,但节能也是重中之重。

To illuminate the “Hollywood” letters, we created a sample letter that accommodated many types of LED bulbs. Ultimately, we selected American Lighting’s bulbs. These bulbs cost almost $5,700, but they earned the Hollywood Theatre Foundation an energy credit, which partly offset the cost.
For the façade’s neon illumination, we bent and installed an array of 15mm neon colors – clear red, clear blue, classic red, yellow and exposed gold. Using metal-forming equipment, we fabricated custom light fixtures, and painted them satin-black.

为了使 “Hollywood”这几个英文字母看起来更亮,我们对大量的LED光源进行了测试,并最终选择了美国照明的LED光源。购买这些LED几乎花费了5,700美元,但他们得到了好莱坞剧院基金会能源信贷支持,这部分的支持在一定程度上解决了购买LED光源的费用问题考虑到标识整体的外观照明,我们通过对15毫米的霓虹灯进行折弯处理来将它们安装在标识周边——经典的红色、清晰的蓝色、明亮的黄色金色使整个标识熠熠生辉使用金属成型设备,我们制作了定制灯具,并把它们涂成具有光泽感的黑色。


To assemble the readerboard, we installed two, 15-in.-wide, set lines with a black background and white letters for one side, and three, changeable-copy lines on the marquee’s other side. We installed white GE LEDs inside the cabinet.



