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当前位置:首页 > 杂志 > 2019年1月杂志_摩天大楼上的Allianz标识



In acquiring that office space they were also awarded signage rights to the top of the building. Allianz decided that they would locate a sign with their name and logo on the top of the building, with an identical sign on each side.



Spectrum Signs channels Allianz ID



Spectrum Signs Inc. (Farmingdale, NY) was commissioned to implement this sign project, and was responsible for fabricating the Allianz signage. The design of the Allianz sign was created by Gensler, (NY, NY), a global architecture firm, who provided concept drawings to Spectrum Signs, upon whom transformed the conceptual design into the final sign structure of a series of closed-face channel letters against an aluminum backplane. Once finished with fabrication, Spectrum teamed up with Empire Erectors and Electrical Co. (Bronx, NY), who were the prime movers in installing the completed signs on the upper reaches of the building top.

Spectrum 标识公司位于纽约法明代尔,他们受委托实施该标识项目,并负责制造Allianz标识 AllianzLOGO是由全球建筑公司Gensler(纽约州纽约市)设计的,他Spectrum 标识公司提供了概念图,并将概念设计转化为一系列发光字的最终标识结构。 Allianz标识完成制造后,Spectrum标识公司与帝国电力公司(纽约布朗克斯)合作,帝国电力公司成为在建筑顶部上部安装完成标识的主要推动者。


As the Allianz signage was designed, as described by Mike Gyscek, Spectrum Vice President, "the final display was completed as a closed face channel letter sign back lit with Sloan Great White 3Y Series (6500 k) LEDs. There were a total of 12,000 LEDs used to illuminate the four signs. Each 12-foot high channel letter had painted aluminum returns with a ¼" clear Lexan face covering it. Matching each Lexan face was a white 3M diffuser film behind the Lexan. On the Lexan surface was a 3M Dual Color film. During the day the sign face appears blue and at night when illuminated, appears white." Once finished, each channel letter was mounted on its own aluminum background panel (22-feet tall and various widths, depending on letter width it held in place). Altogether each Allianz sign face required ten panels (total sign face was 22-feet x 100-feet) to fully present its corporate name and logo on each side of the building.

正如Spectrum副总裁Mike Gyscek所描述的那样,最终的标识Sloan Great White 3Y系列(6500 kLED组成的发光字。总共有12,000LED模组组成,用于四个字母标识的光源。每个12英尺高的发光字都涂有铝基反光涂料,其中匹配每个Lexan是一个白色3M保护膜。白天,标识面呈蓝色,夜间照明时呈现白色。标识完成安装之后,每个发光字都安装在相应的铝制背景板上(22英尺高,各种宽度,取决于它固定的字母宽度)Allianz标识面总共需要10块面板(总共22英尺x 100英尺),才能在建筑的每一面完整地展示公司标识。


"We, in turn not only fabricated the sign system, but also figured out the engineering to hang the signs from the sides of building," stated Gyscek. "Essentially we came up with the concept of placing a series of steel beams horizontally along the building columns and hanging the sign segments like a giant billboard clamped in place on the side of the building."

Mike Gyscek:“反过来,我们不仅制作了标识系统,而且还想出了从建筑物两侧悬挂标识的工程计划。我们提出了一个概念,即在建筑物的柱子上水平放置一系列钢梁,将标识部分悬挂起来,就像一个巨大的广告牌夹在建筑一侧。


Hanging out on Broadway



As for attaching the signage to the building, along the rooftop of 1633 Broadway was a series of vertical building columns projecting from the roof to an upper horizontal concrete slab to which each column connected to. The concrete slab in turn held a horizontal platform that encircled the building and had a trolley track from which the building's window washing scaffold traveled around on.



Scott Lewis who engineered the solution for installing the Allianz signs on 1633 Broadway, had suggested using a series of horizontal square steel tubes (ten-inch square) which would span from building column to building column. "Each side of the building had a set of three horizontal steel rails inserted in place for each Allianze sign to hang from the building. Each selected column had its outer sheet metal aluminum enclosure removed at its point of entry so the horizontal steel tubes were able to be permanently attached to the building column. On the steel tubes were welded a series of angel iron plates upon which each sign segment was connected to."

R.Scott Lewis设计了在百老汇1633号安装Allianz标识的解决方案他建议使用水平方形钢管(10英寸方形),从一根建筑柱跨到另一根建筑柱。他说:建筑的每一侧都有一组水平钢轨,每个钢轨都是为了悬挂Allianze标识设计的。每一根选定的柱子在入口处拆除了外部金属铝板外壳,以便水平钢管能够永久地附着在建筑柱子上。我们还计划在钢管上焊接角铁方便每个标识能牢固的连接在这些钢板上。

Empire Erectors creates sign lift-off Empire Erectors



Once each sign was completed, at the appropriate moment, each sign segment was trucked to the worksite (1633 Broadway) where its installation was handled by Empire Erectors who were tasked with getting the signs off the street and lifted to the building roof for placement on each side of the building.

标识制作完成后,就会被运送到工地。标识的安装由Empire Erectors全权负责,主要任务就是把标识从街道运送到建筑物屋顶。


To do so involved a series of very clever custom-built hoisting systems incorporating several unique rigging components, including a custom designed winch, a custom-built carrying rig which locked up and lifted each sign panel segment up the side of the building. Finally, on the roof was a custom-built trolley rail system which was set up to move each sign segment to a specific location to be lowered for final placement on the side of building.



Rooftop lift without a crane



"To begin the lifting process, each building side," James Ramsburgh company Vice President noted, "required a sidewalk bridge installed by York Scaffolding whose surface acted as a base for storing and preparing each sign segment for hoisting to the rooftop. The first procedure was taking delivery of each Spectrum Sign Allianz panel segment and transferring it from the flatbed to the top of the sidewalk bridge. Because all the panels were delivered as extra-wide loads, Empire Erectors could only receive the sign panels at night as extra-wide flatbeds can only travel on city streets from midnight till 6:00 AM.

James Ramsburgh:“为了吊装标识,每一个建筑侧都需要脚手架,用作储存和准备吊装的工具,方便把标识运送到屋顶。”首先要做接收每个Spectrum标识公司制作的Allianz标识交付。由于所有面板都是以超宽负载的形式交付,帝国大厦的工作人员只能在晚上接收这些面板,因为超宽的面板只能在午夜到早上6点之间在城市街道上搬运。


"Our biggest challenge was getting the signs to the top of the building, as there was no crane available or capable to provide a 750 + foot lift to the building top. And even if there was, once each sign segment was in motion, it would have proven impossible to control the effect of the wind on the panel and its natural swaying tendencies as each sign segment was hoisted towards the roof."

我们面临的最大挑战是将标识带到建筑物的顶部,因为没有可用的起重机能够为建筑物顶部提供750 英尺的升力。即使有,也可能因为标识在半空中受风力或触碰到障碍物发生不可预测的危险。


Inevitably the solution for lifting the signs to the roof was right in front of them. Already in place along the sides of the building was a vertical track system used by the building's window washing scaffold. Empire Erectors took advantage of that vertical track, and built a custom designed winch and rigging system that also worked from the window washing track. They further built a custom designed hoisting rig upon which each Allianz panel sign segment was clipped into and that in turn was connected to the rooftop custom winch. The rig was designed to be locked into the window washing tracks to carry the channel letter panels up the side of the building with no worries about sway or wind to affect the sign panel's passage to the rooftop. 



At the proper moment each sign segment was winched up, and followed by a small Empire crew in Empire's electric scaffold. The scaffold crew then supervised each sign lift session to make sure the sign panel harness rig never snagged on the building and safely reached the top.



Once on the roof, the sign segment was transferred from the winch to a custom-built rooftop trolley with chain falls, which is a rigging device to help lift and lower the sign segments in place. The trolley was then moved along the rooftop to the sign's proper roof position where the sign panel was lowered in place. Once positioned properly, the sign panel was attached to the steel structure by bolting the panel to the sign structure on side of the building.



As each part of the Allianz sign project reached completion, sign inspector John Carmona, who reported to R. Scott Lewis reviewed each completed section. Inevitably it took approximately 20 plus inspections to look at each part of the install process, with several different visits to each side of the building. "Altogether there were three types of inspections," stated Cormona,

Allianz标识项目的每一步骤都已落实完成,标识督察John CarmonaR. Scott Lewis汇报,他对每一个完成的部分进行了审核。 Cormona安装过程的每一个部分都要经过20多次检查,对建筑的每一侧都要进行几次不同的检查和询问。总共有三种类型检查


1)An inspection of the skybridge for each side of the building.



2) Inspections of all the welds and boltings of sign components being attached to structural steel.



3) A final inspection of entire sign once it was fully attached to horizontal rails.



Once completely installed on all four sides of the building, and illuminated for night viewing, Gyscek noted how amazing it was to see the Allianz sign being visible throughout the entire Manhattan midtown area. "It was even visible across the Hudson River from the New Jersey side and as well, close-up from most of Times Square which was right below it."



